The latest news and updates from The Ian Potter Foundation team.


December 16 2021

Grants Round Up December 2021

In the latest funding round, the Board of The Ian Potter Foundation approved 22 grants worth $13,924,000. 

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Hotel corridor

September 22 2021

Fair grants, September 2021

Read about the grants awarded in the Community Wellbeing and Early Childhood Development program areas.

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3 young people sitting on a couch

September 22 2021

Sustainable grants September 2021

In the Sustainable pillar, eleven grants were awarded totalling $4,569,300.  

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Peole crouched plannting seedlings in open field with rainforest in background

September 22 2021

CEO Update September 2021

Despite the continuing challenges thrown at us all during 2021, the Foundation has continued to focus on how to best support the not-for-profit organisations that are bearing the brunt of our community’s needs because of the ongoing impacts of the pandemic.

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pexels maria tyutina 752036

September 22 2021

Grants Round Up September 2021

The latest funding round (Round 2, 2021) comprised 26 grants totalling $7,619,300 awarded across the Fair and Sustainable pillars, plus one impact enhancement grant in the Vibrant pillar and a sector support grant to Philanthropy Australia.

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People planting seedling in open field with rainforest in the distance

September 21 2021

NELLS is launched

On September 8 2021, the proposed National Early Language and Literacy Strategy was launched by the National Early Language and Literacy Coalition (NELLC), a body of 10 key organisations, which, together with input from government departments, agencies and interested parties, has developed a proposed national strategy that they want the government to review and prioritise.

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Image of toddler looking at a book with text saying: Right now almost 23% of Australia's children are not developmentally on-track with language skills when they start school.

July 1 2021

Watertrust Australia Ltd

Watertrust Australia: a new independent entity helping frame future water and catchment policy in the interests of all Australians.

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Watertrust logo

April 30 2021

Grants Round Up April 2021

In the first funding round for 2021, the Foundation has awarded 32 grants totalling $9,478,790.

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White two-storey building in federation style