Frequently Asked Questions

Is my organisation eligible for a grant?

Only charitable organisations that hold both DGR Item 1 and TCC status are eligible to apply for a grant. Refer to Can We Apply? to learn more and complete the Eligibility Quiz.

Does a grant include GST?

The Ian Potter Foundation makes each grant payment as a gift.  The Ian Potter Foundation is of the view that it does not receive any material benefit in return for the payment and is not the recipient of a supply.  Further, the GST Act provides that making a gift to a non-profit body is not the provision of consideration.

It would, therefore, follow that the grant payment does not constitute consideration for a taxable supply and GST should not be applicable.

In some circumstances, the GST position could be unclear and accordingly, the Foundation recommends that your organisation seeks its own GST advice if it considers it necessary.  If your organisation has a contrary opinion to the above, we require you to advise us.

Do you have deadlines for applications?

Yes. We set strictly enforced closing dates for each Funding Round. Relevant dates are also displayed on each Program Area page.

EOIs and Applications must be submitted online by 5:00 pm AEST/AEDST on the closing date. 

How do we know if the project will be considered a priority for funding?

Carefully read the funding objectives and guidelines for the program area to make sure your project complies and check the general and specific exclusions to obtain clear guidance regarding our funding priorities. You can also read the Foundation’s Funding Principles.

As part of the application process, you are required to speak with the relevant Program Manager prior to submitting an EOI or application. They will provide guidance on how closely your project fits funding objectives and whether it is worth your time completing an EOI or application.

Can I speak to someone regarding my EOI/Application?

Yes! In fact, you must speak to the relevant program manager before submitting an EOI (or full application in the case of Medical Research).

Our administration team can also assist with queries regarding your organisation’s eligibility, the application process or application system.

What if the authorised person can't sign the Declaration on the application?

If the authorised person (usually the CEO) is not able to sign the declaration (for example, if they are away on extended leave) the reason must be outlined on the declaration. An authorised second may then sign the declaration.

Should we include support letters with the application?

Support letters are not required at the EOI stage. If you are invited to Stage 2 (full application), support letters may be attached. They are well regarded and helpful.

Please make sure they are relevant to the application and support your case for funding. They must be included if you are planning to work with a school.

When will we find out if our application was successful?

All grant applications are considered at our board meetings held three times each year. The Funding Rounds section indicates the time when grants for a particular round will be announced.

You will be notified by email whether your application has been successful.

Do you provide feedback if an application is unsuccessful?

The Foundation is run by a small number of staff. Due to the large number of applications we receive, unfortunately it is not possible for us to provide formal feedback for unsuccessful applications.

How much money can we ask for?

Most of our program areas specify a minimum grant amount. Refer to the relevant program area page for details.

The Ian Potter Foundation rarely awards the full amount of any project. Please ensure that you have alternative providers of funding and that your application clearly indicates your project's additional sources of funding.  

Can we include indirect, overhead and administrative costs in our grant application?

The Foundation recognises that some overhead and administrative costs may be directly attributable to the projects or activities being funded. In such cases, the Foundation will consider funding these expenses to a reasonable level.

In the case of universities, the Foundation expects that overheads will be provided as an in-kind contribution.


What do we do if the project fits into more than one program area?

You are required to speak to a Program Manager before applying. Select the program that is the best fit and the Program Manager will advise you if your project is eligible or direct you to another program area, if appropriate.

Do you fund existing projects?

We do not fund ongoing service delivery, however, we may consider applications for strategic expansions of existing programs or new/innovative additions to an existing project.

Please note that the Foundation does not fund retrospectively – we will not fund projects that have already started. 


Can our organisation receive a second grant if we have a current grant?

Generally, the Foundation requires a current grant to be successfully completed and acquitted before awarding a subsequent grant.

What if my organisation doesn't have an annual report?

If your organisation does not produce an annual report, you can attach newsletters, bulletins or minutes from your Annual General Meeting in its place. This information helps us gain a better understanding of your organisation.

What happens once an application is received?

You will receive an automated email acknowledging your application.

The program manager then makes an initial assessment and may contact you to request further information, discuss the project or make an appointment to meet.

Priority projects are shortlisted for discussion by committees that include members of our board, and a final set of recommendations is compiled for submission to the board at one of our thrice-yearly board meetings.

What are the obligations if a grant is awarded?

All grants are subject to our Standard Grant Conditions. The Standard Grant Conditions outline obligations for grantees, such as reporting and evaluation, after a grant has been awarded.

Can't find the answer?

If you can't find the answers to your questions on our website please contact us by email or phone

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