The latest news and updates from The Ian Potter Foundation team.


December 13 2018

North American environmental philanthropy: observations and learnings

In September Louise Arkles, our Environment & Conservation Program Manager, had a rare and precious opportunity to spend time with colleagues in North America. 

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Three women on balcony wth a forest behind them

November 29 2018

Derby Region Aboriginal Early Childhood Care and Development

World Vision Australia awarded $2.2 million major grant towards the Derby Regional Aboriginal Early Childhood Care and Development Program

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Indigenous mother with her three young children wearing white ochre

November 29 2018

Wintringham Housing

Wintringham Housing awarded $2.5m major grant towards Shepparton housing for elderly homeless project

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Three men standing in front of a small house

November 29 2018

Warddeken Indigenous Rangers

Karrkad Kanjdji Trust awarded major $1.77m grant toward the Warddeken Indigenous Rangers program.

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Indigenous woman sitting at desk looking at large computer screen

January 9 2018

Have you got global goals?

Dr Squirrel Main, Research & Evaluation Manager, reveals why the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are a vital tool for effective grantmaking.

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Graphic showing icons for 17 Sustainable Development Goals

December 15 2017

We have GlassPockets

The Ian Potter Foundation is joining the ranks of the Gates, Ford and Getty Foundations to become the first non-US foundation included in Glasspockets. 

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Look inside our glasspockets

November 30 2017

Seed Foundation

Seed Foundation awarded $1.75m major grant for the Growing Our Own project

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Male trainer showing female trainees how to use a blood pressure cuff.

November 30 2017

Hope Street First Response in Melton

Hope Street Youth & Family Service Inc awarded $1.8 million major grant 

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Man leaning against wall which has Hope spelled out